For The Participants

For The Participants

Who are the participants?
Foreign non-native teachers of English in Turkiye. It means teachers who were not born in one of the inner circle countries (US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand) and are not Turkish natives. They have immigrated to Turkey recently, and have experience in teaching general or technical English in public or private schools (Kolej), language institutes, or universities.

How do teachers contribute to the completion of the project?
Teachers as participants in the study attend two interview sessions where they answer some questions about their background in teaching, their current work in their institutions, and their ideas about the effect of their status as a foreigner in their job. Participants are highly encouraged to keep a diary to record major events they have experienced at work. This includes their stories about their interaction with students and other stakeholders in their job, and their ability or inability to benefit from their background in heightening their teaching and interpersonal performance. There exist meticulous guidelines to help teachers keep a record of their diary narratives.